June 1, 2020 By petcure 0

Low Body Temperature in Dogs: Symptoms, Causes & Treatment

What is low body temperature?

The weather has gotten a lot colder recently and just like us, it can also affect your dogs. In fact, even your dog can suffer from hypothermia.

Hypothermia is a medical condition that occurs when a dog’s body temperature becomes dangerously low.  Hypothermia means that your dog is losing body heat faster. When the body temperature drops, heart rate and breathing slow down, which can lead to several problems.

Three Stages of Hypothermia

mild hypothermia – the body temperature is between 90 and 99 degrees,

moderate hypothermia – the body temperature is between 82 to 90 degrees,

severe hypothermia – the body temperature drops below 82 degrees.

Symptoms Of Hypothermia In Dogs

  • Trouble breathing
  • Trouble walking
  • shivering
  • Decreased heart
  • weakness
  • Mental depression
  • Stupor, unconsciousness, or coma
  • low blood pressure
  • Lethargy

Causes Of Hypothermia In Dogs

  • Exposure to external cold, wet and/or extreme drafts can result in heat loss.
  • Geriatric pets can be more susceptible to hypothermia.
  • Hypothyroidism, a condition characterized by low levels of thyroid hormone in the body.
  • Wet fur or skin
  • Being in cold water for a long period of time

Treatment For Hypothermia In Dogs

  • Remove your pet from the cold and put them in a warm room.
  • Wrap your pet in a blanket.
  • Heating pads and radiant heat are other sources that can be used to help warm your pet.
  • Wrap warm hot-water bottles in towels and place them on the pet’s abdomen.
  • Allow your dog to drink warm fluids.

Check the pet’s temperature with a thermometer. If it’s below 95 degrees, the pet could be at risk for hypothermia. Take them to a vet immediately.