May 11, 2020 By petcure 0

How to Remove Fur Mats From Your Pet

A mat—as against just a tangle—CANNOT be combed out. Dr. Liff says, “When removed with combs, you only don’t make enough progress, and therefore the pet will lose patience or be injured by this.”

Here are some tips for handling mats on your pet.

Don’t Dampen the Hair

If you’re curious about trying to get rid of your pet’s mats reception , Dr. Liff suggests starting with a dry pet, since dry hair is usually easier to shave.

“Additionally, if the coat becomes wet while it’s matted, the matting will become tighter and more extensive,” says Lopez.

Use the proper Tools

According to Dr. Liff, the simplest thanks to remove mats is with clippers. Scissors aren’t recommended because pets don’t always stand completely still. you’ll easily cut your pet since mats are stuck so on the brink of the skin’s surface.

“Oftentimes, when removed with scissors, the skin are going to be sliced,” says Dr. Liff.

For cats, she finds that employing a shedding tool are often helpful, but electric clippers should be your second resort if the shedding tool alone doesn’t work.

Take Caution With Clippers

Use clippers that are made for pets and follow the instructions included with the clippers.

Take heed to stay the clipper blades from getting too hot. you ought to still check the metal piece together with your hands to form sure it’ll not burn your pet’s skin. 

Also, confirm the clippers are disinfected after use with an appropriate “clippercide” to avoid bacterial and fungal infections.

Clippers also can cause irritation to the skin, so you ought to contact your veterinarian if you see any of these:

Red, raised bumps

Any signs of pain in your pet

Bleeding during grooming

Give Your Pet a shower Afterwards

“Once you’ve removed the mats with a clipper, shampooing and conditioning the coat then drying thoroughly and brushing out the whole coat again can help to stop recurrence,” Dr. Liff says.