June 1, 2020 By petcure 0

5 Tips For Keep Your Dog Healthy


Vaccinations are one of the surest ways to protect your Dog’s health. Vaccinations protect our pets from devastating diseases caused by viruses and bacteria. Ask your veterinarian to find out which vaccines would benefit your pet based on his lifestyle. Keep a record of vaccination dates as this is vital if you’re booking a boarding kennel or applying for a pet passport.

2. Dental care

Commit to keeping your pet’s teeth clean and healthy. It’s never too late to start focusing on preventive dental care. Aim to clean her/his teeth every day or as much as possible. It keeps her breath fresh and helps prevent gum disease. Ask your vet about the best dog toothpaste and toothbrushes to use.

3. Exercise

Exercise is the best way for your pet to stay healthy. Try to walk your four-legged friend before meals and carry poo bags. At least one to two hours of exercise per day, but this varies by breed, size, and age. Over time, determine the ideal exercise regimen for your dog and establish a routine.

4.Dog-Proof Your Home

Pets are curious creatures by nature, but sometimes their curiosity can get them into trouble. Check that your home is safe for your pet. Make sure she can’t get into any medication or household cleaners. Also, double-check that your pet can’t get to any human food, some of which is toxic for dogs.

5. Watch for Warning Signs

Contact the vet if you notice warning signs of a health problem, such as Changes in his poop or pee, Any change in eating habits, Vomiting, Bald patches, Very bad smells from any body part, A lot of licking and biting a spot on his body.