January 20, 2020 By 0

5 Easy Tips To Add Healthy Weight in dogs


Exercise will increase your dog’s appetite and help them build muscle mass, not just fat. Swimming, hiking up and down hills, and tug-o-war can all build healthy muscles in dogs of all breeds and sizes. If you are experiencing difficulties keeping weight on your dog, please seek professional help from your veterinarian

2.Higher Protein or Fat Food

If you want your dog to gain weight, you have to feed them more calories. Foods with potent aromas, like canned fish juice, peanut butter. Eggs, are very easy to digest and can help your dog put on weight.

3. Add Supplements

It’s a fantastic way to help put weight on your dog, without bloating their diet with empty calories. Dog supplements can add a well-balanced diet for your dog depending on what type of food and diet. If supplements are not suitable for your pup, vitamin B rich foods are a great alternative to supplements.

4. Feeding Schedule

Dogs do not process the food as humans do. Creating a meal schedule that includes 3-4 small meals throughout the day will help your dog digest the food easier. If your dog eats twice in the day then give it a small portion in the morning and a large portion at nighttime.

5.Seek Professional Advice

It is important to communicate with your veterinarian before making drastic changes to your dog’s diet and lifestyle. If your dog receives ample amounts of food but isn’t gaining weight, take him to the veterinarian for a thorough checkup to make sure no underlying illness or condition is causing a lack of weight gain.